Tracking Your Ads To Bigger Profits – TE Tool Box Review
Ok, so this is kind of an article and a review at the same time.
Tracking your advertising is one of those things that can mean the difference between a little bit of money or monster profits.
… failure … or success.
Let me illustrate why.
Example 1
You’re surfing 5 traffic exchanges every day for an hour. You earn 100 credits at each exchange for a total of 500 credits. With those credits, you average 4 new subscribers to your mailing list every day.
You start tracking your advertising, and you realize only 2 of those traffic exchanges get you all of your signups. That means each one brings you 2 subscribers a day.
So you replace the 3 “junk” TE’s with new exchanges that DO get you signups.
You still surf 5 TE’s every day for an hour. But now that you’ve eliminated programs that don’t you get results, you’re now averaging 10 subscribers every day! (assuming 2 signups at each exchange)
You’re getting 150% more signups… for the exact same effort.
Example 2
You spend $100 a month buying credits at 5 different traffic exchanges. With that, you 100 new subscribers to your mailing list each month.
You start tracking your advertising, and you realize only 2 of those traffic exchanges get you all of your signups. That means each one brings you 50 subscribers a month.
So you start spending $100 a month, just at the two places that get you all the signups. You start pulling in 250 subscribers a month instead of 100.
You’re getting 150% more signups … for the same amount of money.
Example 3 (Real life example that happened to me!)
When I started tracking my ads, I discovered one of my splash pages got 3 times more clicks than any other I was using. Guess what happened after I found that out! 😉
These are just simplistic examples, but any of these could be true for you too.
Can you imagine how tracking could potentially save you time, money, and boost your PROFITS?
So anyway, the reason I bring all this up is that TE Tool Box is a tracking service that just got a complete makeover. I realized I hadn’t addressed tracking in awhile, so here we are! Here’s a quick list of what TE Tool Box can do:
* Hits, clicks, and signup conversion tracking. Know exactly which programs really deliver you the most sales and signups
* State of the art URL rotator so you can easily add new pages for hot programs and save loads of time. (And they don’t take some of your page views like some rotator services!)
* An optional frame in your rotator where you can choose from programs to promote, or just have no frame at all.
* A banner rotator – use just one banner URL and image URL, and it will rotate your banners for you! No more logging into 50 bagillion websites to add a banner. 🙂
* A built in, easy to use splash/squeeze page maker – no tech skills needed! But if you know how to write HTML, you can do it in TE Tool Box too.
* You can even add media to your splash pages, like audio and pictures!
* Tracking link system that is perfect to use inside of emails at safelists, so you know which headlines and email copy get you the best results.
* Thank you ads rotator. This is a powerful feature, and thank you ads are a secret method I use to really boost my signups and commissions.
* Something really nice for upgraded members, a branding tracker! Basically this helps you analyze the effect branding has on your advertising.
* A kick butt affiliate program that pays up to 55% commissions.
* And much, much more
So yea, I think it’s pretty easy to see why tracking is so vital to your success and why everyone is raving about the new and improved TE Tool Box.
And obviously I feel TE Tool Box is now the premier tracking service to use, especially if you’re using websites like traffic exchanges and credit based safelists.
I’ve been telling everyone in my mailing list the last few days this:
Of course I highly recommend upgrading at TE Tool Box, because you’ll see an awesome offer when you first sign up. But whether you upgrade or not, please please join TE Tool Box and start tracking your advertising.
This is more about your success than any commissions I might make.
Yes, something as small and simple as tracking can greatly affect your success online.
And that’s why I highly recommend you join TE Tool Box now and start tracking your advertising.
Click Here Now To Join TE Tool Box
About the Author
Solomon Huey is a Full Time Internet Marketer who absolutely loves revealing secrets about all aspects of online business. Visit his blog and discover his secrets to making money online and running a successful business. You'll can also get his free website traffic report, that reveals his hidden tricks to getting massive amounts of traffic every single day.
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This message contains content where I may receive some compensation for recommending products and/or services. As you probably already know if you’ve been on my lists for awhile, I ONLY go out of my way to mention a site if I think it’s something I truly believe will help you. =)
This content is created and owned by Worldfire Marketing LLC and may not be edited and/or redistributed in any way without express written permission.
Quick Note From Solomon:
If you’re on my mailing list, I also give you even more hot tips in every email that helps you earn even more money online. 🙂 Join my mailing list so you don’t miss out on anything else!
Last 5 posts by Solomon Huey
- The 25 Second Coaching Video
- How To Become A Successful Entreprenuer in 3 Steps
- Mind Voodoo. Collect Referrals And Commissions Like MAGIC!
- How To Increase Your Sales and Credibility With Existing Content
- Destined To Fail

My Websites http://www.ZeroToIMHero.comBe Social with Solomon
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I used to track all the time with hits connect but stopped after a bit of time and got into some new areas of marketing. I have not yet got my hands in to much on TE tool box but after reading this review I just placed it at the top of my to do list.
.-= Sean Supplee´s last blog ..Manage Twitter With TweetDeck =-.
Hey Sean,
good to see ya here bud! thanks for stopping by
Yea it really does rock… guess I didn’t mention it in this blog post but I switched over all my tracking to TET (I must have only mentioned that to my mailing lists).
As always, takes a bit of time to adjust to a brand new system, but when it comes to tracking it’s always well worth the time 🙂
Pls explain to me how you know,
with using the TEtoolb tracker
which site gives you a sign-up
I have set-up several trackers
and they are only counting the clicks
@Toos –
Thanks for stopping by and great question!
If you’re tracking signups to your mailing list, then you can just add the conversion codes to your thank you or confirmation pages after someone joins your list. (I HIGHLY recommend doing it this way)
If you’re sending someone to a referral link, that program owner actually needs to add a special tracking code (for owners) to their website so you can track where your signups came from.
Speaking of which, I do need to have those codes added to my website as well. Puting that on my “To Do” list for anyone wondering! 🙂
.-= Solomon Huey´s last blog ..Internet Marketing, Xbox 360, and Apples New iPad =-.
Your right ad tracking is the key to success, when i started with PPC advertising i did not use an ad tracking tool however i found out when i was not making money that using an ad tracking tool is absolutely essential to succeed.
.-= beauty hair products´s last blog ..Hair beauty products- prevent hair problems =-.
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