Internet Marketing, Xbox 360, and Apples New iPad


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Hey so it’s awhile since I posted here, however due to some recent activity at my blog, I’ve decided to send you a treat with a blog post. I added this cool bar thing at the bottom of my site thanks to Sean Supplee, which is where I learned about it.

But anyway…

So I’m gonna talk about some real juicy stuff here, and this is the stuff that is the difference between….

make no money and some money
makin some money versus good money
makin good money to LOTS of money

And I’m not exaggerating one bit. In fact, I’m gonna PROVE it to you with some real world examples.

Internet Marketing… business … if you want to be successful in these, one thing you must realize is that leverage is a key factor to success. Yeah there’s lots of factors, but lets talk about leverage today. 🙂

By leverage, I’m referring to maximizing the use of your current resources. Getting the most “bang for your buck”.

Do you play video games? Look at Microsoft’s Xbox 360 video game console. It was well publicized when the system first launched, that they were actually losing money on every console that they sold. Whoa, losing money? Microsoft sure isn’t in business to lose money, so what gives?

In essence, they were building a list of customers and leveraging their system to do it. The key in this case was they were willing to lose money up front so that more people would be using the Xbox 360.


Microsoft makes money on every game. They sell accessories like controllers, headsets, etc. They make money selling you downloads. They’ve got an entire community, and they want you hooked on it. They sell premium access to their online content. Oh and they also sell you points there too (basically currency to buy stuff on their system).

Suddenly selling at a loss isn’t such a big deal when they’re selling you more stuff left and right! And they KNOW you’ll buy something, otherwise there’d be no point in you having the system in the first place.

Big news in the tech/biz world, Apple just publicly announced it’s new iPad. Basically a giant iPod/Table PC type of device. Same pretty much goes for their iPod and iPhone lines as well. Think of all the cash they make there too! They’ve got accessories. They have an app store. They sell mp3’s. And they want you hooked on their smooth interface so you’ll buy everything else they come out with later.

So looking at Microsoft and Apple, they are both leveraging their products in order to create massive, massive profits… not just sales on the front end.

But the big question is, what are YOU doing to create your OWN profits?

So now we’ve got internet marketing. Look at all the top Internet Marketers, go back to their sites and SEE how they are raking lots of extra cash in ways you may not have even noticed!

Some simple things you can do today are:

  • Give away/sell ebooks with your affiliate links inside.
  • Create a website with an affiliate program, so people promote your sites
  • Make something that has the power to go viral, multiplying your exposure
  • Don’t want to make something? My new site List Recon can help you achieve greater leverage in your business
  • Can you see how just doing a minor thing ONE TIME, can create lifelong streams of additional income for your business? You probably won’t see the results immediately, but if you start using more leverage in your business today, you may find yourself raking in insane profits in the future…

    Have Something You Want To Share? Click Here and Leave A Comment Below!

    About the Author
    Solomon Huey is a Full Time Internet Marketer who absolutely loves revealing secrets about all aspects of online business. Visit his blog and discover his secrets to making money online and running a successful business. You'll can also get his free website traffic report, that reveals his hidden tricks to getting massive amounts of traffic every single day.

    Go to Solomon's Blog now at

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    This message contains content where I may receive some compensation for recommending products and/or services. As you probably already know if you’ve been on my lists for awhile, I ONLY go out of my way to mention a site if I think it’s something I truly believe will help you. =)


    This content is created and owned by Worldfire Marketing LLC and may not be edited and/or redistributed in any way without express written permission.

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    Categories: How To, Internet Marketing


      01. Feb, 2010   

      Yes It is called a loss leader and it has been done for years in the grocery business.

      In my first job when I left school in the early 60s it was my job to work out how much we had lost on the loss leaders and where to put the odd penny or two on other things to pay for it.

      It was done every month. That was not all I did but it did take a week every month to do this. I worked for a chain of small grocery stores.

      I don’t think we can add pennies back on other things but any freebie we give away to our list is surely the same thing,

      I remember we always sold Cornflakes and sugar at less than cost price so I always did those first.

      I expect a computer does the whole thing in minutes now I did it all by hand.

      Solomon Huey (138 comments) says:
      01. Feb, 2010   

      Hey Jean, thanks for the comment and the cool story! 🙂

      Yup it’s literally done left and right in traditional business! And I imagine big companies know exactly how they will make their money back with all the tracking systems available today.

      Adding this strategy to your own business can increase profits on a massive scale also.

      For example, I could have easily made it cost money to join List Recon, and it still would have been a bargain, but part of my goal is to build a bigger list.

      So I took the “loss” on the front end and added a few ways to make my profits later on.

      beauty hair products (2 comments) says:
      07. Feb, 2010   

      Totally agree…without sales, there’s nothing you can do about customer service, product improvements, further R&D, or whatever… it’ll just be a hard struggle and it’ll all end miserable. So the lesson is to sell first, think later…or get someone who can handle the problems to solve them for you.
      .-= beauty hair products´s last blog ..Hair beauty products- prevent hair problems =-.

      Solomon Huey (138 comments) says:
      08. Feb, 2010   

      @beauty hair products – Sorry that isn’t what I meant and I actually completely disagree with your statement.

      You can’t simply go out and blindly try to sell stuff and hope to make money to do stuff later. This is the reason that a lot of beginning internet marketers fail in the first place.

      While I do think that people should go out there and get experience sooner than later, one must understand how to leverage the resources that you do have.

      Microsoft and Apple didn’t just start selling their products and say, oh, we should try making money in other spots too. They already knew how they would make money on the backend by leveraging their frontend products.

      The point of this post is that you SHOULD have a plan to leverage your efforts. And if you don’t have a plan quite yet, that is perfectly ok too. But at least start thinking about it and see how others are turning small sales into huge long term profits.

      Affiliate Gameplan Bonus (1 comments) says:
      27. Mar, 2010   

      Hey Solomon, I leverage my business through outsourcing. I outsource to a couple of people in the Philippines and they do a fantastic job. I was a bit hesitant at first but what I’ve found is the work they do is even better than I used to do myself! By leveraging in this way I free up so my time to work on my own business.
      .-= Affiliate Gameplan Bonus´s last blog ..Who is Rob Benwell =-.

      Solomon Huey (138 comments) says:
      28. Mar, 2010   

      Hey Rob that’s another good one! Yup outsourcing is SO important if you really want to see your business take on a life of its own.

      Hopefully everyone reading this realizes there are lots of ways to leverage your resources.

      Thanks for adding that in Rob!

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