Search Engine Optimization Made Easy


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Quick Announcements From Solomon

  • There’s a poll in the right column, vote and share your thoughts!
  • Sunny Suggs just became a full time Internet Marketer. Let’s give her a huge congrats by supporting her. Check out Boot Scootin Traffic.
  • Big thanks to Blogging Expert Mike Paetzold for helping me with an issue on my blog. See his blog here.

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Main Article

SEO stands for search engine optimization. SEO in a nutshell, is a method used to get natural traffic from search engines like Google and Yahoo. What makes SEO such a hot topic in Internet Marketing is that it’s free, targeted, and can obviously make a lot of money.

I’ll be the first to say I’m not a big fan of SEO.

From my experience, it’s a bit too much work and too complicated for my taste.

That’s part of the reason that I got into free traffic websites like traffic exchanges, safelists, and list builders.

The truth is that SEO works and it’s a great way to get website traffic … if you know how to do it.

It’s free, it happens on autopilot, and it can mean a ton of traffic and sales if you know what you’re doing.

What has really opened the doors for SEO dummies like me is web 2.0. It’s one of the few ways that you can truly start capitalizing on SEO without having do as much of the grunt work, like writing articles or link building.

Web 2.0 sites like social bookmarking, networking, and blogging have really opened the doors to fast and effective SEO.

Even my first blog, TEscoop gets constant search engine traffic without any effort on my part.

Free traffic websites will always be my primary way of building my list, but SEO is something that you might want to check out too.

Solo says to try this:

1) Get this free report by John Merrick, Social Bookmarking Exposed. It is by FAR, the easiest report I’ve ever read that explains Search Engine Optimization so that anyone can understand it. It’s only 18 pages too. 🙂

Click Here To Download Social Bookmarking Exposed for Free.

2) Apply some of the secrets you discover and see how SEO works out for you.

3) Leave a comment and let me know what you think of this post!

Have Something You Want To Share? Click Here and Leave A Comment Below!

About the Author
Solomon Huey is a Full Time Internet Marketer who absolutely loves revealing secrets about all aspects of online business. Visit his blog and discover his secrets to making money online and running a successful business. You'll can also get his free website traffic report, that reveals his hidden tricks to getting massive amounts of traffic every single day.

Go to Solomon's Blog now at

Material Connect Disclosure

This message contains content where I may receive some compensation for recommending products and/or services. As you probably already know if you’ve been on my lists for awhile, I ONLY go out of my way to mention a site if I think it’s something I truly believe will help you. =)


This content is created and owned by Worldfire Marketing LLC and may not be edited and/or redistributed in any way without express written permission.

Quick Note From Solomon:

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Comment Tags: blogging | social networks | niche


    Luke McCormack (1 comments) says:
    02. Jun, 2009   


    I am a great fan of your blog. I agree with you regarding SEO. I prefer to concentrate on building lists and communicating with my list.



    Kevin Phoenix (5 comments) says:
    02. Jun, 2009   

    Solomon bonjour,

    This is the only SEO that I do (well, almost ;))

    1. Publish a new blog post

    2. Syndicate the post to several social sites with large market share (many eyeballs).

    3. Increase the visibility of the syndication by garnering comments, votes and shares on each network where I syndicate my blog post.

    Look at my blog: http://francofiles Every one of my Google Friends Connect, is someone that I’ve helped.

    Tell me what you see & (important) what you don’t see.

    Kevin Phoenix´s last blog post..Beating the Credit Crunch – Growing Your Own

    Bo Tipton (12 comments) says:
    02. Jun, 2009   

    Great Post. I pay attention to SEO but do not go out of my way to optomize my sites. I also get most of my traffic from safelist, traffic exchanges and other free advertising.

    Twitter, Facebook and other social sites have become a great tool to drive traffic to my sites.

    I have found that posting great content does more then anything else to drive traffic from the search engines and to get repeat visitors.

    Bo Tipton
    The Ornery Marketer

    Bo Tipton´s last blog post..Time Management Makes You Money

    Solomon Huey (138 comments) says:
    02. Jun, 2009   

    @Bo Tipton
    I agree Bo, I’ve been striving to push for content to see how people respond to it, and so far it seems to have been positive.

    Solomon Huey (138 comments) says:
    02. Jun, 2009   

    @Kevin Phoenix – That looks like a great blog you’ve got there Kevin. I love the theme and the activity is awesome.

    I’m not sure if you’re trying to make money from this blog, but if you are, a more prominent opt-in box is important, you might want to add an extra incentive for subscribing, and a few ads wouldn’t hurt.

    But content-wise it looks like you’re handling things well already. 🙂

    Kevin Phoenix (5 comments) says:
    16. Jun, 2009   

    Solomon bonjour, and thank you for your observations about my blog. Here is my strategy (and it works) 😉

    In my view, a blog is not the place to market any sort of product or service. I think that most people who are looking for a long term, reliable, income from their blogging efforts put the cart before the horse.

    In order to take advantage of the power of “word of mouth” marketing that can be harnessed by using a growing number of Social Media networks (Digg, Social Median, Twitter, Facebook etc.), one has to make a paradigm shift in marketing approach… i.e. let’s think about the horse for a moment. :/

    Simply put, you should take a scientific approach to the “marketing” of Solomon in social networks – not Solomon’s products or service.

    Put it like this.

    1. You and I meet at a cocktail party given by a mutual friend. We hit it off.
    2. You invite me over to your place where I meet a lot of your friends. I find that you, your friends and I have a lot of things in common.
    3. I like your place. I like your friends. I like you. I have a good time. No-one is shoving their face into mine, shouting “Look at Me!”. I feel comfortable. I become a frequent visitor.
    4. When you ask my opinion about your latest “gadget”, “experience”, “photo”, I feel good… I like it when you ask my opinion, makes me feel valued.
    5. Actually I’d like “a one of those” for myself – where can I get one Solomon? 😀

    1. and 2. are bought about by taking a scientific approach to Social Media Marketing and syndicating your blog across the Social Networks. (The majority of my traffic, the comments and Google Friends Connect you see on my blog have come about as the result of syndication).

    I don’t do any other form of getting traffic.

    3. Is your blog or forum, the place where you network socially. It is your front door, with a huge “welcome” mat.

    It is NOT the place where you drive people away with a display your goods or other advertisements.

    4. Is just one example of you being sociable, your networking. You might even invite me to write a review on that gadget, or whatever, for your blog.

    5. If you don’t know what 5. is, I’ve wasted my time. Most people do not like being sold to, but then, most people want to buy at some time.

    By taking that approach, all the theories about tags, duplicate penalty, SEO, keywords etc. normally associated with web sites and marketing, becomes irrelevant… it’s just greasing the axle on your cart.

    By harnessing the power of social acceptance through a scientific approach, YOU become the centre of attention. YOU develop the buzz.

    Solomon leads the horse (Google), it will follow Solomon… pulling the cart behind.

    Sales just happen 😉

    Kevin Phoenix´s last blog post..The Good Life in France

    Solomon Huey (138 comments) says:
    16. Jun, 2009   

    @Kevin Phoenix

    Hey Kevin,

    Great info and I totally understand your perspective. Essentially your strategy is content first, and I can’t argue with that theory at all. 🙂

    Your comment was really informative Kevin, thanks for sharing that. I might even try your strategy for a weird little niche project I’ve been tempted to do (still debating it!).

    Kevin Phoenix (5 comments) says:
    23. Jun, 2009   

    Solomon bonjour… when you’ve decided about your niche project, let me know and I’ll give you a sample of what I do (I might even tell you how I do it). 😉

    Kevin Phoenix´s last blog post..France May Ban the Burqa

    Solomon Huey (138 comments) says:
    23. Jun, 2009   

    Thanks Kevin I really appreciate the offer. I’ll definitely keep that in mind if I decide to go for it. 😛

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