Internet Marketing Lessons From The Circus


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Quick Announcements From Solomon

  • Speaking of tracking, if you don’t know how or why you would use Hitsconnect, then make sure to get your free copy of Tracking Your Way To Profits. It’s reveals all the secrets of tracking your advertising, and the author has even personally helped me with a few things. He knows his stuff and his ebook is awesome and free.

  • Wow so SaferSafelist shut its doors! It was very unexpected. I respect the owners’ decision but I disagree with their reasoning. If you find the right people to follow, you can definitely succeed online. I know this from personal experience. I’ve struggled in the past too. Just remember that when things get tough; never give up.

  • Wow I sure have a lot to say this week. On a lighter note, remember to have a great day, send out a tweet for me, and leave a comment. Thanks! 🙂

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Main Article – Internet Marketing Lessons From The Circus

So a couple of weeks ago I went to a small circus show with my family. We saw funny clowns, a contortionist, trapeze acts, elephants, and lots of other stuff I can’t specifically recall at the moment.

While the show was great, I was pleasantly surprised to see a treasure trove of marketing lessons being displayed at the show as well!

Let’s see…

They gave multiple one time offers during brief intermissions!

During one break, they were selling bags of peanuts. But not just ANY bags… if you find a special piece of paper inside, you win a balloon! BUT it was only available right there during the break. If you wait to too long, you lose your shot at the balloon!

One another break, they were selling a coloring book. Once again, it was only available for that brief few minutes. Another great example of a one time offer. They even demonstrated the value in order to get more sales.

They compared it to other circus shows where a similar coloring book costs $5, 6, or even $7! And of course right now you can get yours for only $2!

So now they are establishing value and creating a sense of urgency.

And the lessons didn’t stop there.

They used free offers to draw us in for sales.

They lured people in with a nice free offer, and then upped the ante for a small fee. How’d they do that?

A petting zoo! You can see and pet their cute little animals for free. But what if you could feed them too? Just $1 for some food to feed the animals. 🙂

And don’t forget about the ever important upsell.

We already bought tickets to get into the circus. What about some premium seats that gets you in the front rows so you can see all the action? Upgrade your seats for $5 each and get in front row.

The techniques of internet marketing are generally considered foreign to many typical businesses. But as you can see, it does apply to just about any type of business and they do work.

Are you applying these profit boosting techniques to your business?

1) Go through your sales process and see if you are truly maximizing your opportunities to make money.

2) Once you’ve identified any leaks, find a solution so you can increase your profits.

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About the Author
Solomon Huey is a Full Time Internet Marketer who absolutely loves revealing secrets about all aspects of online business. Visit his blog and discover his secrets to making money online and running a successful business. You'll can also get his free website traffic report, that reveals his hidden tricks to getting massive amounts of traffic every single day.

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Quick Note From Solomon:

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Categories: Internet Marketing


    Richard Bligdon (4 comments) says:
    21. Jul, 2009   

    Great article!

    I’ve never forgotten the story my late father-in-law told of being on a train when he was young,he was on a train and this coca-cola salesman was just hounding people trying get them to buy,saying things like “you look like you need a drink” and just wouldn’t take no for an answer!

    Everybody was glad when he finally got off!

    After that a man(probably a salesman) came up to my father-in-law’s group and said “That man wasn’t a (good) salesman!”

    Mike Dillard even mentions it in his “maggnetic Sponsoring” “Quit selling!”

    The art of affiliate marketing is to brand yourself,then learn how to(this sounds a bit dishonest at first) get someone to SELL themselves.

    ie: At a sporting event,the vendors are there to sell refreshments,because:

    1) There is and will be a need

    2) People WANT them!

    It’s the same with Affiliate Marketing:

    Somebody said “Sell shovels not the gold(a reference to the California Gold Rush of the 1800s ie: It was the shop keepers who really made money!)…”

    Marketers NEED:

    *Marketing Training

    So…use a “self liquidating offer(SLO)” and “Funded Proposal” -sell your Primary Business on the backend!

    Ok…I learned all that from Mike Dillard!=,but it makes sense.Now I’m selling me,instead of my business…which nobody cares about anyway,because they have their own!

    Richard Bligdon´s last blog post.."It’s one small setp for man…."

    Solomon Huey (138 comments) says:
    21. Jul, 2009   

    Great story Richard, thanks for sharing that 🙂

    I hate to admit that I haven’t read any of Mike Dillard’s stuff yet, though I really should! haha

    I actually have a friend doing very well and I know he follows some of Mike’s teachings

    Ella (2 comments) says:
    29. Jul, 2009   

    ONE coment to Richard keep your head up high
    never bow down to any one unless thay are worth it and make them prove it.and toot your
    one horn any time you please

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