If You Want Success, Follow Success.
Quick Announcements From Solomon
- Have you read a book lately? A couple of my personal faves are “Think and Grow Rich” and “How To Win Friends & Influence People”
- List Joe has been adding a lot of new features lately. I like what I’ve been seeing.
- Seems a particular traffic exchange hasn’t been paying out commissions lately. You can read it all here.
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Main Article
I actually think I’ve talked about this before, but I think this is one of those “magic” keys to success. So even if I did tell you about it before, I’m telling you again…
If you want to be successful, follow the people that are already there!
Making money online isn’t as hard as it seems.
All you truly need to do is find someone successful, latch onto them, and listen to everything they say.
Sometimes they might say something that you aren’t sure about. Maybe you think it just sounds flat out dumb and it can’t possibly work.
But if they are succeeding where you aren’t, then it’s important for you to listen.
Would it make sense to listen to me about weight lifting advice? Or does it make more sense to listen to a body builder?
Same goes for business!
I wanted to make money online.
When I wasn’t making money online, I listened to the people making money and I started to too. When I was just making a little bit, I found people who made a lot more money than me, and I started making more too!
It really isn’t rocket science, and that’s the real beauty of the Internet. You really don’t have to be some genius or go to school for years, yet you can make an income and live a lifestyle that other people dream of.
YOU could wake up with payment notifications sitting in your email accounts.
YOU can make money every time you send out an email to your list.
YOU can set your own schedule, determine your own income, and live the lifestyle that you desire!
All you really have to do is…
1) Find the marketers that you like, trust, and are making money.
2) Follow their advice. So if you like me, you might wanna to follow my advice. If you aren’t too fond of me, then I have no idea why you’re reading this! (haha just kidding!)
3) Looking for more advice? I recommend you start at Affiliate Funnel and attend their weekly online conferences. It’s FREE and you get advice from real marketing experts. It’s the same guys I listen to. 😉 Join Affiliate Funnel here.
Have Something You Want To Share? Click Here and Leave A Comment Below!About the Author
Solomon Huey is a Full Time Internet Marketer who absolutely loves revealing secrets about all aspects of online business. Visit his blog and discover his secrets to making money online and running a successful business. You'll can also get his free website traffic report, that reveals his hidden tricks to getting massive amounts of traffic every single day.
Go to Solomon's Blog now at http://www.SolomonHuey.com
Material Connect Disclosure
This message contains content where I may receive some compensation for recommending products and/or services. As you probably already know if you’ve been on my lists for awhile, I ONLY go out of my way to mention a site if I think it’s something I truly believe will help you. =)
This content is created and owned by Worldfire Marketing LLC and may not be edited and/or redistributed in any way without express written permission.
Quick Note From Solomon:
If you’re on my mailing list, I also give you even more hot tips in every email that helps you earn even more money online. 🙂 Join my mailing list so you don’t miss out on anything else!
Last 5 posts by Solomon Huey
- The 25 Second Coaching Video
- How To Become A Successful Entreprenuer in 3 Steps
- Mind Voodoo. Collect Referrals And Commissions Like MAGIC!
- How To Increase Your Sales and Credibility With Existing Content
- Destined To Fail

Hey Solo –
Spot on!
The only reason I’m even still online today is because of the advice Paul kinder gave me. I haven’t followed his path 100%, but I’m mixing in the things I’ve learned from him and others with my own gameplan. That is what has helped me get to where I’m at now.
Once I find the time to implement more of the things I’ve learned from these guys, I’m sure I’ll be able to take my business to a whole new level.
Travis Millward´s last blog post..Don’t Miss Out on Free Traffic!
Thanks Travis. In all seriousness you’re a shining example of this blog post.
If any of you reading this has watched Travis, he got started not too long ago and has really grown a lot this past year.
We’ve both been listening to some dude named Paul Kinder (and several others) and it’s taken us both very far, very fast. 🙂
Good morning, Solomon.
I agree with your advice, with one caveat.
Some people who are making money online are not promoting products that live up to the hype. So, it’s up to each of us to exercise some caution and diligence before following just anyone.
When I started online marketing, I was lucky enough to find Ken Evoy and his “Make Your Site Sell!” ebook. By following his advice, I’ve been able to earn a living for the better part of a decade from online affiliate marketing.
(That ebook is now available as a free download.)
Over the years, I’ve tested the advice of many online marketers. Some has been excellent, some has been horrible. From each of them, with experiences both good and bad, I’ve learned something valuable.
Act on your dream!
John Dilbeck´s last blog post..Sitesell always goes above and beyond
@John Dilbeck –
Yea it took me awhile to really identify who the “go to” people were in the internet marketing arena, but it was definitely worth searching for.
Or you can just get really lucky and the first person you latch onto happens to be awesome 🙂
Thanks for stopping by John, you’ve got an awesome blog 🙂
Thanks Solomon!
Great article and thanks for the plug!
I added a permanent link for your blog on my blogroll!
One of the lines I use in ads is:
Come join the 3%
(meaning: 97% are failing because they don’t know how to market,but 3% are succeeding,come join us and we’ll show you how to market!)
I remember,I think was Tony Robbins who used to say :
“Do you want to be successful?Then,go find somebody who’s already successful and go an copy them!”
.-= Richard Bligdon´s last blog ..Technorati =-.
@Richard Bligdon –
No Richard thanks for the great suggestion and the link. 🙂
Yea I gotta say that in my experience and those that I’ve met, finding mentors or people to follow sure seems to work!
Hi just thought i would tell you something.. This is twice now i’ve landed on your blog in the last 2 weeks hunting for totally unrelated things. Spooky or what?
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