How To Get More with Less Time … INSTANTLY!
Nope, this has nothing to do with tracking your advertising (which you should be doing by the way!). Lately I’ve been slowly discovering the magical tricks of how you can work less yet accomplish more. To my complete shock, it started working instantly!
As you start to get entrenched into the business world, it’s common to find your free time dwindling. Even to the point that all you think about is business at all hours of the day, no matter what you are doing and who you are with. Business is a beautiful thing that is supposed to give you the freedom to enjoy life, not trap you into a daily grind!
A few weeks ago, I was kind of in a “funk” and my brain just didn’t seem to be working. So I decided to take a day off and head to my local Border’s Bookstore. I grabbed a couple of books, one being Timothy Ferriss’ 4 Hour Workweek.
As I dived in and started reading, little did I know this book would instantly change my way of thinking about business. In fact, it changed my approach after a whopping 50 pages.
To date, I’ve only read 100 pages and the impact it has already had on my business and time has been tremendous. The author describes very clearly how you can start applying his tactics into your life, with his own personal experiences and real world examples. Unfortunately I can’t explain it as clearly as he has done, so you’ll just have to read the book! 😛
In fact, the reason I’m writing this blog post is because I have found myself with nothing to do! I can only imagine the effect it will have when I finish reading it.
So if you enjoy reading, want to free up your time, and to take your business to the next level, I highly recommend reading 4 Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss.
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Solomon Huey is a Full Time Internet Marketer who absolutely loves revealing secrets about all aspects of online business. Visit his blog and discover his secrets to making money online and running a successful business. You'll can also get his free website traffic report, that reveals his hidden tricks to getting massive amounts of traffic every single day.
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Last 5 posts by Solomon Huey
- The 25 Second Coaching Video
- How To Become A Successful Entreprenuer in 3 Steps
- Mind Voodoo. Collect Referrals And Commissions Like MAGIC!
- How To Increase Your Sales and Credibility With Existing Content
- Destined To Fail

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Thanks for the suggestion Solomon. We can all us time savers. I know what you mean about thinking business 24/7. Find myself zoning away from many things I should just be relxing and enjoying.
Thanks Solomon. I lean much from you today.
I spend much time on the net either posting or surfing, sometimes at the end of the day it proves very unrewarding. I sometimes feel discouraged but never stop plugging away. I really want to find a good method to use which takes less time on the net and will be more rewarding eventually.
I will check out that book.
It really is awesome, I hope you learn a lot from it Hortense. 🙂
Which reminds me, I STILL need to finish reading it myself!
I’ve been following you for a while now. I appreciate your tips and I also appreciate the fact that you seem to really want to help others achieve the success that you have found. Keep up the fantastic work!!!
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