Mind Voodoo. Collect Referrals And Commissions Like MAGIC!
Have you ever wondered how people manage to get boatloads of referrals and commissions almost at will?
In some programs I have downlines of 500-1000+ people. I can easily send 50-100 referrals to just about any program. In fact, you can even find me on the public leaderboards at sites like ViralHosts and TezakTrafficPower (User ID = thebestgenius at TTP) as proof. This isn’t to brag, but rather I’m just stating a fact. I want you to know that this isn’t an accident.
Here’s the beginner’s step-by-step formula:
1. Only promote quality programs that will help your subscribers.
It starts off slow, but when you only promote the best, your customers will truly begin to respect and value your opinion. That means your message gets priority, you get the most sign ups, and more commissions.
2. Promote, Promote, Promote.
Never stop growing or advertising. Be a regular presence in the marketplace. When people see you day after day, month after month, they will begin to take notice and wonder how you’re doing it.
3. Create your brand – an identity. Personally, I like to be myself. 🙂
This really doesn’t take as much effort as it seems. You don’t have to get detailed early on if you’re not sure what to do. But make your personality felt. Customize affiliate tools with your own “voice” (writing style), put up a picture, maybe even do a video. Let people know you’re out there and who you are. You’ll connect with some people, even if you think otherwise. It just flat out works … like magic! :p
While there are certainly more advanced techniques, you would be shocked out how effective these three simple steps can be in the early stages of building a consistent income. I can tell you that some of my early work was laughably bad by my standards today, but they still worked incredibly well thanks to these principles.
Have you tried or are doing this already? Please let us know your experiences, questions, comments!
Have Something You Want To Share? Click Here and Leave A Comment Below!About the Author
Solomon Huey is a Full Time Internet Marketer who absolutely loves revealing secrets about all aspects of online business. Visit his blog and discover his secrets to making money online and running a successful business. You'll can also get his free website traffic report, that reveals his hidden tricks to getting massive amounts of traffic every single day.
Go to Solomon's Blog now at http://www.SolomonHuey.com
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This message contains content where I may receive some compensation for recommending products and/or services. As you probably already know if you’ve been on my lists for awhile, I ONLY go out of my way to mention a site if I think it’s something I truly believe will help you. =)
This content is created and owned by Worldfire Marketing LLC and may not be edited and/or redistributed in any way without express written permission.
Quick Note From Solomon:
If you’re on my mailing list, I also give you even more hot tips in every email that helps you earn even more money online. 🙂 Join my mailing list so you don’t miss out on anything else!
Last 5 posts by Solomon Huey
- The 25 Second Coaching Video
- How To Become A Successful Entreprenuer in 3 Steps
- How To Increase Your Sales and Credibility With Existing Content
- Destined To Fail
- Covert Messenger Review - Hypnotically Grab Your Blog Visitors Attention
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http://www.SolomonHuey.com http://www.ViralTrafficFrenzy.com http://www.ListRecon.com http://www.EliteSafelist.com http://www.FastActionAds.com http://www.ZeroToIMHero.comBe Social with Solomon
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It also probably doesn’t hurt to own a few programs and have a huge email list 🙂
@Aaron – Haha but the question to ask Aaron is… how did I GET those things? My list started with a big 0 just like everyone else. 😉
This is a fabulous post.
The 3 principles you list should be learned by every online marketer. Even if they stick with 1 & 2 they will be on the right path.
Great Stuff!
Simple and straight to the point. Thanks Solomon 🙂
Karen Karo´s last blog post ..Success Is Sweet
@Catherine White – Thanks Cathy, this is “dangerous” stuff!
@Karen Karo – Just the way I like to roll 🙂
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