Quick Announcements From Solomon
- Whoa, tons of stuff happened this past few weeks! If you wanna know why I didn’t post much this past month, make sure to keep reading…
- One blog reader was kind enough to point out that my optin box in my header doesn’t have a submit button! I still need to fix that, haha. Thanks Online Biz!
- I was out of town for a week awhile ago. Remember to work hard and work smart. One of the things that an online business can do for you is allow you to travel (i.e. VACATIONS!!) and still make money.
- One of the biggest launches in traffic exchange history just happened. Tezak Traffic Power launched with something like 10,000+ members in 10 days! Incredible, and I gotta add it couldn’t have happened to a better guy. If you like traffic exchanges, this is a surefire winner. It’s got the same minds behind Traffic-Splash and a 10 year TE veteran in Tony Tezak.
- Mike Coursey just launched a cool new service called Splash Speaker. It lets you create splash pages that automatically create audio for you. Use the approved sites and it will even say stuff like a member’s name! It’s really cool. Sign up for free, but I recommend upgrading to get full access to these awesome features.
- Sunny Suggs continues her “All About” series with the arrival of All About My First List. This is a really cool site that helps walk you through how to build your own mailing list. Join here and you can get the first chapter for free, but as always the upgrade will get you a ton of really cool stuff. 🙂
- … And here’s a big one. Clickbank Pirate is LIVE! I was lucky enough to check things out from the inside and all I can say is WOW. Basically, Cindy Battye and Soren Jordansen have created a true plug-n-play system that will help you make commissions from Clickbank for LIFE! They’ll handle ALL the work, EVERYTHING! All you’ve gotta do is show it to people (and they reveal how to do that too). Check out their video and get two free, eye-opening reports that reveal a ton of secrets about making money online.Oh and here’s my official update. I started using Clickbank Pirate August 5th just by putting some banners ads out there linking to their professionally made squeeze pages (as in, I put in no real effort on my part). As I write this, it’s 7th and I’ve gotten my first clickbank sale thanks to Clickbank Pirate! That’s right, 2 days, barely any promotion (not even an email sent out folks!), and I got my first sale. Can I say Clickbank Pirate is awesome now? 🙂
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Is it really possible to make autopilot Clickbank checks? Before I wasn’t so sure, but after using Clickbank Pirate, I’m a BELIEVER!

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Mike Purvis and Greg Hickman has just launched another incredible Viral List Builder. With proven owners, a top converting list builder on their resume already, and brand new features, this is sure to be another winner!

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Main Article – Get YOUR Voice Heard!
Ok, so no real article today. Instead…
I want YOU to tell ME what you want to hear about!
Bottom line, I really write this blog for you. I want to see you succeed, and part of doing that is discovering what you need help with.
Not sure if you noticed, but I haven’t been posting to my blog as much. I noticed that on some posts, I get some good activity, while others…not so much.
Sorry but that just won’t do!
Personally, I’d like to keep this thing updated around once a week and let you know what’s going on in the world.
It’s pretty simple though: less comments, less updates.
So if you really wanna hear what I have to say about Internet Marketing, leave a comment or sent out a tweet for me! 🙂
If not, well then I guess you don’t have to do anything! haha
I installed this shiny new thing called skribit, which allows you to easily suggest and vote on topics for me to blog about.
You’ll find a blue tab on the left side of my blog, just click that, and you can make suggestions or vote on stuff for me to blog on!
So let me know what you want to hear more about! It’s really easy to do with skribit 🙂
I know a lot of you out there read this blog, so lets get more active and leave some comments. This is a great chance for you to get to know other readers, and also a chance for me to get to know some more of you better as well.
Basically, this is your chance to get YOUR voice heard!
Action steps:
1) Something you’re dying to know? Click on that suggestion box hovering on the left side and let me know. See some other suggestions you like? You can vote for those too!
2) Leave some relevant comments and share you thoughts when you read a new blog post. You can meet new people, get your website link out there (this is a “DO follow” blog by the way, for you SEO pros 😛 ), and help keep this place active. Gives me a lot more incentive to post updates when I know I’m helping you. 🙂
3) Nothing you want to say at all?! Haha it’s ok I understand, then at least do me a favor and send me out a tweet for me. That’d be awesome too!
Have Something You Want To Share? Click Here and Leave A Comment Below!
About the Author
Solomon Huey is a Full Time Internet Marketer who absolutely loves revealing secrets about all aspects of online business. Visit his blog and discover his secrets to making money online and running a successful business. You'll can also get his free website traffic report, that reveals his hidden tricks to getting massive amounts of traffic every single day.
Go to Solomon's Blog now at
Material Connect Disclosure
This message contains content where I may receive some compensation for recommending products and/or services. As you probably already know if you’ve been on my lists for awhile, I ONLY go out of my way to mention a site if I think it’s something I truly believe will help you. =)
This content is created and owned by Worldfire Marketing LLC and may not be edited and/or redistributed in any way without express written permission.
Quick Note From Solomon:
If you’re on my mailing list, I also give you even more hot tips in every email that helps you earn even more money online. 🙂 Join my mailing list so you don’t miss out on anything else!
Last 5 posts by Solomon Huey
Hi Solo,
I’m one of those readers of yours that don’t leave comments – sorry! I like your blog and always read what you mail.
Although I wasn’t the guy who pointed out your button thing, thought I would tell you I still can’t see it…and I couldn’t make your internal links work. The ones that go to other programs are OK, just not your other blog posts, leave a comment, etc.
Probably should have PM’d, but since you brought it up… 🙂
Hey Tom thanks bud, appreciate it 🙂
Yea I STILL haven’t fixed that silly opt-in box yet. I really should since I actually do get optins here, haha. I’m definitely no tech wizard though 🙁
Really? no kidding! … what browser are you using by the way? Seems to be all working fine from where I’m looking (firefox)
What I’d like to know is(maybe you could put this in your next post) is how to get traffic to your blog and use your blog to send traffic to your business?
Hey Richard that’s a really good suggestion, I like that one a lot! 🙂
Anyone else interested in that idea?
Hi again,
I’m getting thru fine now – guess it was cuz we’re travelling in our motorhome and the KOA connection was doing something weird.
Talk to you later,
@R Tom Worthington – ohh ok cool, whew good thing because I doubt I’d know how to fix that, haha 😛 thanks for the update
I’ll have to start leaving comments more often to encourage you to write more!
@Alex –
Haha you better! just kidding but that really would be awesome to hear from ya, thanks alex 🙂
Don’t stop posting even if people don’t comment. Your blog will get picked up in Google, Yahoo, etc… and you will get free traffic from your posts.
You need to fix that submit button though as its still not there so nobody can join your feed and get your updates. Also I noticed the top left nav. is a little off looking in FireFox it hovers over the text in your main story a little.
Anyway if I had to suggest something to write about it would be marketing. Whats working whats not and show us stats, proof etc…
Tell us what YOU did, and are doing marketing wise as we all are here to learn how to market online and make money 🙂
Thanks Chris.
I considered that… but I don’t really care about the traffic I get here. Let’s just say I get tons of traffic every day practically on autopilot, and the effort of maintaining a blog for traffic or a few extra referrals isn’t worth it.
I could easily turn a lot of this info I’m sharing here into new products and make a lot more cash.
I do this blog for the people really. 🙂
… so yea that’s why I’m telling people to leave more comments if they’re really finding it helpful, haha
Argh, yea I know I’m horrible! 😛
Sounds like some great suggestions! Anyone else agree?
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