Quick Announcements From Solomon
- Just wanna send out a quick shout out to you for adding some very helpful comments on my last blog post. It means a lot and seeing activity like that will SURELY keep me active and sharing info with you!
- Woo hoo, so EliteSafelist hit 5,000 active members. I’m really proud of that since the site is still pretty young and it’s already larger than many of the older, established safelists out there. If you haven’t joined yet, shame on you! But it’s ok, you can still join now by clicking here 🙂
- Viral Ad Store just launched. Although the name is kinda funky, it makes sense once you know what’s unique about it. It’s a viral list builder from Mike Purvis and Greg Hickman, the same guys behind The List Auction, which is (in my opinion) one of the best list builders out there. So far, Viral Ad Store is already getting me incredible results … I don’t have the exact numbers handy but at the time I wrote this, I’ve gotten something like 50 signups to my various lists since it launched. Obviously these guys know what they’re doing. Join here, I highly recommend it.
- Resale Rights Hosting launched as well, and I’ve got to say this is an awesome idea. Have you ever tried setting up a resell rights product to sell? Well it’s a PAIN! Resale Rights Hosting has taken care of all of that stuff for you. You could literally be selling resale rights products in minutes. They’ll even give you a 30 day free trial just to check things out. If you’ve been wanting to sell stuff like ebooks, videos, and software but have been intimidated by the technical side of things, then you have to check this out.
- So I got today’s article topic from one of your fellow blog readers, and hey I thought it was a good suggestion! Thanks Richard! I’m actually going to split it into two posts, because I think each deserves it’s own so you get the most out of it.If you want to recommend a topic, you can use that blue box on the left (skribit) to request for particular things for me to write about.
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Main Article – Flood Your Blog With Traffic … At Will!
Blogging has been a recent phenomenon that’s taken the internet by storm.
Some people do blogging for fun or to make some extra cash. Some people even make their entire living just from blogging!
I want to make a disclaimer that I’m not some blogging “guru”, but I am always reading and studying internet marketing. Naturally, stuff like blogging comes up fairly often, so I’ve read quite a bit of stuff on blogging and marketing online.
With that said, there are a ton of ways to get traffic to your blog. There’s SEO (search engine optimization), blogging communities (technorati, mybloglog, etc), social networking, blog commenting, blog directories, and tons of other stuff.
They all work! For me personally, I’m all about getting the MOST results for as little effort as possible.
This is how *I* drive traffic to my blog with one simple method…
That’s it! In fact, I’ll go out on a limb and say this would be my answer for most struggling internet marketers.
First let me reveal how I do it, and then why.
1) I create a squeeze page where people can opt in to my mailing list. I’ll usually offer something of value to them, like a free ebook or membership.
2) Then I send traffic to that squeeze page using traffic exchanges, credit based safelists, and viral list builders. I also kind of (as in almost never) do other stuff like social networking or blog commenting, but only if I’m really…really…. really bored, haha. If you’re in a niche outside of Internet marketing, find hotspots where people from your niche would go like forums, popular blogs, and social networking groups.
3) I also naturally get search engine traffic without even doing fancy SEO stuff. If my blog is about internet marketing, I’ll tend to always use keywords about internet marketing anyway, so either way I still get traffic from search engines without any extra effort. But of course if you do your keyword research too, you can enjoy even more free traffic.
4) Then when I make a new blog post, I tell my mailing list subscribers about it.
And that’s how I get traffic to my blog.
So why do I do it this way?
First, it doesn’t take me any extra effort to promote my blog, because I’m always building my mailing list. And YOU should be too. Click here for my recommended autoresponder.
It’s also a good way to remind people that your blog even exists. Lets face it, we’ve all got busy lives and sometimes things will slip our minds. You don’t want people to forget about your blog, so it’s always nice to send them a little friendly reminder and let them know when you put up a new post. 🙂
Promoting your blog to your list is a GREAT way to build a relationship with your readers. Sometimes people want to know that you’re more than a marketer, they want to know what kind of person you are. Sending them to your latest blog post with actual info is a nice change of pace from just emailing them whenever you want to sell them something.
Using a list also makes your blog “Google Slap Proof”. Huh? Basically every now and then Google changes their search engine algorithm (basically a math formula). I’ve read SO many times about people who have spent months or years optimizing their websites/blogs to get on the first page of Google. Countless hours of hard work … and then *SLAP*, Google changes the formula and you’re now listed on like page 10…
Well guess what, if you have a mailing list, it doesn’t really matter where your blog ranks in the search engine! You just send out an email like you’ve always done.
And the best thing about this method is that it doesn’t actually take me any extra work. If you do have the time, then sure go out there and do that extra stuff I listed for more traffic to your blog. If time isn’t quite a luxury you have yet, then you might want to give my method a try.
I know I covered a lot of stuff today and jumped around a bit, so if you have a question, just leave a comment and I’ll try to get ya an answer.
This is actually a two part series. Next time I’ll tell you something else about blogging and how it can make you extra cash. 🙂
In the mean time, here’s my recommended action steps for more blog traffic:
1) Build a squeeze page to get people to join your mailing list. You can make them for free at Instant Squeeze Page Generator if you’re not sure how to do it.
2) Whenever you make a new blog post, let your subscribers know!
See that wasn’t hard was it?
So how are you getting traffic to YOUR blogs?
Have Something You Want To Share? Click Here and Leave A Comment Below!
About the Author
Solomon Huey is a Full Time Internet Marketer who absolutely loves revealing secrets about all aspects of online business. Visit his blog and discover his secrets to making money online and running a successful business. You'll can also get his free website traffic report, that reveals his hidden tricks to getting massive amounts of traffic every single day.
Go to Solomon's Blog now at
Material Connect Disclosure
This message contains content where I may receive some compensation for recommending products and/or services. As you probably already know if you’ve been on my lists for awhile, I ONLY go out of my way to mention a site if I think it’s something I truly believe will help you. =)
This content is created and owned by Worldfire Marketing LLC and may not be edited and/or redistributed in any way without express written permission.
Quick Note From Solomon:
If you’re on my mailing list, I also give you even more hot tips in every email that helps you earn even more money online. 🙂 Join my mailing list so you don’t miss out on anything else!
Last 5 posts by Solomon Huey
You outline some simple methods to firstly attract subscribers and then turn them towards your blog. If this works for you then it can work for anyone.
TE’s & Safelists require some work to achieve the results one would want, correct ?
Hi Jason,
Yup I definitely think this method can work for anyone, and I think if you look at other successful bloggers, you’ll see a lot of them using their mailing list to keep readers coming back.
TE’s and safelists will definitely require some work to get results. The important thing is that as you build your list over time, your results will continue to improve.
For example, when I first started about 1 1/2 years ago, I was surfing traffic exchanges about 1-4 hours a day (didn’t discover safelists yet!).
As my list got bigger, my need to surf got smaller and smaller.
Fast forward to today, and I don’t surf or click for credits AT ALL. I now have systems in place where I don’t need to do that stuff anymore and my list grows on its own.
You and anyone else can do this as well, and seeing how it can change your life, I think it’s definitely worth the effort . 🙂
hello, thanks for the useful blog mate, there’s so many options with internet marketing nowadays it’s difficult to know where to look for the best info, thank you.