Social networking is booming (think facebook, myspace, twitter, etc), but how do you really capitalize on it?
The reason I bring this up is because thousands of people have already created faceplates at the hot new social networking site for Internet Marketers called IM Faceplate…
=> Get Your FREE IM Faceplate Account here
That’s very powerful because these are basically ALL internet marketers that you can potentially be reaching out to.
Here’s some easy tips on how to profit from IM Faceplate:
* When you get lots of followers, your faceplate starts getting shown on the homepage, giving you free branding power and more sales power! Don’t worry, I’ll show you how to get some followers right now…
* following others sometimes results in them returning the favor and following you back!
* add your own articles – which can promote your affiliate links and websites… PLUS if people find your article helpful, they’ll be more likely to follow you!
* take advantage of the discussion and groups sections (it should open soon) to meet more people, brand yourself, and build credibility
* Update your “shout” area regularly – people visiting your page will see it, and all of your followers and will see it in their news feed. You can do stuff like linking to your favorite sites
* Adding new content on your Faceplate also alerts your followers about your new content
* and of course clickbank ads automatically rotate on your Faceplate, giving you even more chances to make sales
=> Create Your Faceplate Here
As you can tell, the possibilities are practically endless, but to me the most important thing is that IM Faceplate is targeted towards internet marketers.
That makes almost every member a potential lead, customer, partner, or even a new friend you can relate to.
So yea, I hope this helps you out. Thousands of your follow Internet Marketers have already joined IM Faceplate, but now you’ve got a major edge over many of them once you join =)
Check out IM Faceplate below:

Click Here Now To Join IM Faceplate
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About the Author
Solomon Huey is a Full Time Internet Marketer who absolutely loves revealing secrets about all aspects of online business. Visit his blog and discover his secrets to making money online and running a successful business. You'll can also get his free website traffic report, that reveals his hidden tricks to getting massive amounts of traffic every single day.
Go to Solomon's Blog now at
Material Connect Disclosure
This message contains content where I may receive some compensation for recommending products and/or services. As you probably already know if you’ve been on my lists for awhile, I ONLY go out of my way to mention a site if I think it’s something I truly believe will help you. =)
This content is created and owned by Worldfire Marketing LLC and may not be edited and/or redistributed in any way without express written permission.
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Last 5 posts by Solomon Huey
Hi Solomon!
I saw your Rss Feed in Faceplate. This seems to work both ways. People will come to your blog from Faceplate and ppl will join Faceplate from your blog lol…
I love this kind of interaction.
Thank you very much for your 8 Easy Tricks…
I will continue following what you do…
Stefan Berg´s last blog post ..What is a Safelist and How Can They Benefit Your Business
Hey Stefan, happy to see you here sir!
Yeah I’m kind of lazy so I don’t always do all of these steps… but the whole linking everything back and forth really does work super well.
I know you’ll put that info to good use though 🙂
Hi Solomon.
I enjoyed reading this article and agree 100% with the sound advice you are giving here. Yes your 8 steps to getting the most out of Faceplate, thats what I call it :), really do work. I only wish more people would follow them.
Great job as usual. Monika
@Monika Tuttle – Thanks Monika! appreciate the kind words as always
Hi Solomon! As an absolute “newbie” to EliteSafelist, I could only compare it to Viral Traffic Frenzy. VTF has (what I consider) easy “insertion” of text and banners, easy duplication of ads AND easy editing of ads to add credits, as well as compatibility with “common” banner “formats” (i.e. 125X125 and 468 (X60?). EliteSafelist, on the other hand, (under “Add New Banner Campaign”) didn’t even have a “125X125” banner option (only 120X90) AND I was unable to insert EITHER a 125X125 OR a “468X60” banner (even from VTF!) in the ad, therefore I have NO banner ads (active) on EliteSafelist. (I have “plenty of credits”, just can’t use them for banner ads!) Any chance you OR one of your “tech” team could help? I would not like to give up now as the features and capabilities of EliteSafelist SEEM like what I need. “Time is Money!” “Where there’s Help there is Hope!” Thanks, Normpixel
Hi Norm, thanks for the comment! I guess I’ll reply here since there’s nowhere to really put it haha.
Basically the script at EliteSafelist is much more difficult to work with due to some programming limitations (I can’t really get into it too much), so making even minor changes to it can be a big challenge. You can actually put a 125×125 banner in elite and it will automatically resize to 120×90… not optimal but it will work fine. 🙂
Although VTF will be a constant work in progress, the good news is that I have a lot more freedom to make necessary changes, so the site should get more and more user friendly as we discover and fix areas that members have difficulties with.
Hopefully that answers some of your questions and concerns
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