Quick Announcements From Solomon
- Thanks for the recent comments and tweets. Remember that if you don’t have anything to add with a comment, sending out a tweet is appreciated just as much 🙂
- So I finally fixed that optin box at the top right of my blog. Only took me a few months to get around to it! 😛
- A lot of aweber emails have been hitting the spam box in gmail lately, hopefully this pattern doesn’t continue, because historically they’ve been an excellent autoresponder.
- Apparently you can customize the look of your blog at the warrior forum too! Didn’t know that!
- So I happened to establish contact with a well known Internet Marketer named Rhys Davies. He pulled in $148,000 online last year … in actual profit! He did it with just a simple, 3 step system and I got an insider look at it! I think it’s definitely worth checking out, and he’s giving away one of his secrets right now for free. Click here to see it!
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Making $148,000 in 3 steps sounds crazy, but certainly possible. Well Rhys Davies is revealing how he does it!

Click Here Now And Discover The 3 Steps!
Main Article – Making Cash And Promoting Your Business With Your Blog
So one of your fellow readers wanted to know how to promote a business with your blog.
Now there are SO many ways to do this depending on your niche and the type of business you have. So rather than write some massive 50,000 word article, I’ll give you a nice little list of stuff that you can pick and choose from. 🙂
- Find the keywords in your niche likes and focus on posting content in those areas.
- Make your posts that also apply to things about your business, so you can provide useful content and drop friendly reminders about your business. For example, one thing I talk about is getting traffic to your websites. Why not talk about my own websites EliteSafelist and FastActionAds since it helps get website traffic?
- Like to promote affiliate programs? Make sure to smoothly link to some of your affiliate links in your blog posts.
- Update your readers about the latest news going on with your business! For example, I think one or two blog posts ago, I mentioned that EliteSafelist hit 5,000 members.
- For affiliate marketers, of course it makes a lot of sense to devote posts about a new program. You can give an honest review and/or talk about your ongoing experiences with it!
- Remember that those rss feeds and blog networks can be spreading the stuff posted on your blog all over the internet! That means tons of links going back to your website or affiliate links! Your new blog posts can automatically be sent to places like twitter, facebook, and more!
- Have an optin form so you can keep people up to date about your blog (and your business) through email.
- Get your blog active, and it will show new readers that the content you are writing about is interesting to other people. This makes people more inclined to read your blog so they can see what other people have to say. That also means even more exposure for you.
- Remember that sometimes a blog will look a lot friendlier than some salespage where you’re trying to sell someone something. A blog gives you another outlet and way to connect with potential customers.
- Give your readers step by step instructions on how to do stuff, and of course include some action having to do with your business. People love lists!
I’m sure there’s more but I can’t think of them at the moment. If you look around, I’m sure you’ll notice that I apply many of these techniques myself, and it brings me additional, long term business.
What do you think of this list? Are you applying any of these methods to your blogs? Let us know!
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About the Author
Solomon Huey is a Full Time Internet Marketer who absolutely loves revealing secrets about all aspects of online business. Visit his blog and discover his secrets to making money online and running a successful business. You'll can also get his free website traffic report, that reveals his hidden tricks to getting massive amounts of traffic every single day.
Go to Solomon's Blog now at
Material Connect Disclosure
This message contains content where I may receive some compensation for recommending products and/or services. As you probably already know if you’ve been on my lists for awhile, I ONLY go out of my way to mention a site if I think it’s something I truly believe will help you. =)
This content is created and owned by Worldfire Marketing LLC and may not be edited and/or redistributed in any way without express written permission.
Quick Note From Solomon:
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